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What Does it Really Take to Lose Weight?

What Does it Really Take to Lose Weight?

He only gained 3 pounds one year. That hardly matters at all! The problem is, it’s now ten years down the line and he’s gone from a healthy 170 pounds to a hefty 200 pounds—3 pounds at a time.

Food & Nutrition: Whole Foods vs. Processed Foods

Food & Nutrition: Whole Foods vs. Processed Foods

Have you ever read Orwell’s dystopian novel, 1984? If you have, you are familiar with the term “doublethink.” Doublethink is the ability to simultaneously hold two contradictory thoughts in one’s head without recognizing the contradiction. When it comes to nutrition, doublethink is the result of contradictory information we’ve heard (and internally assimilated) from companies and diet fad proponents that make money through their “facts.” Take for example something we know is not healthy, say waffles. When they are labeled “whole grain,” we accept that they are healthy, even when we know they are not.

How to Love Your Gut

How to Love Your Gut

What in the world is gut health? Isn’t “gut” just a slang word, after all? Actually, gut health is an extremely important part of your overall health, both mental and physical. The term refers to the balance of the microorganisms that inhabit your intestinal system. Maintaining the proper balance is the best way to “love your gut.”

The Best Holiday Season Ever

The Best Holiday Season Ever

As the weather temperatures drop and the winter approaches we can expect to see an uptick in the number of COVID-19 cases, which may—or may not—affect your holiday plans. The determining factor will be the number of cases in your immediate community. If it’s low, you’re probably okay for a traditional gathering. If cases in your area are high, it’s time to create some new traditions!

Halloween Safety Tips for Trick or Treating in 2020

Halloween Safety Tips for Trick or Treating in 2020

If you, like many Americans, have young children who enjoy dressing up in costumes and collecting candy on October 31, this year may present new challenges. The move away from kids running around in groups on Halloween and “trick-or-treating” from house to house began to occur when knowing your neighbors got less normal. Things have changed since you were a kid. The awareness of sugar’s contribution to health problems isn’t the only way. In days past, it was a favorite pastime to sit on your porch and chat with neighbors in the evening after work. Today, many households don’t even use their front doors, entering and exiting the house through the door in their garage.

Should I Get the Flu Vaccine During the Covid Pandemic?

Should I Get the Flu Vaccine During the Covid Pandemic?

As this flu season begins (the timing of the flu season varies in different locations), people are confused about what the COVID-19 pandemic will mean and how they will be impacted. That’s understandable as the US hits 200,000 COVID-related deaths and the President and First Lady test positive for COVID. Here’s what we know.

Fun Facts: How to See Inside Your Body

Fun Facts: How to See Inside Your Body

Wouldn’t it be fun to have x-ray vision like Superman? Imagine seeing through walls or anything else solid. Well, in the medical field, we are today much like the Man of Steel. Kind of, anyway.

Should My Child Play Football?

Should My Child Play Football?

Some parents are concerned—and rightly so, it turns out—about brain injuries to their children who play football. You may be thinking that football has so many positive qualities and the risk is so small that it’s worth it for your kiddo to enjoy being the jock his dad was.

Face Mask Do’s and Dont’s

Face Mask Do’s and Dont’s

Everybody agrees: masks are uncomfortable and hard to breathe and talk through. So why are we being told to wear them? Do they really help?