
April 23, 2021

The Incredible Edible: Are Eggs Good or Bad?

According to, “Heart disease remains the leading killer in America, but even if you have a family history, heart disease and heart attacks are not inevitable. A healthy diet, regular exercise, cholesterol-lowering drugs, and life saving surgeries can reduce your risk of having—or dying from—a heart attack.”
March 1, 2021

Water—Why You Need to Drink More

Everyone says you need to drink more water. Water is called an essential nutrient because our need for it surpasses our body’s ability to produce it. But you drink coffee, tea, and the occasional soda, so why is water so important? There are quite a few answers to that question. Here are some.
January 26, 2021

Food & Nutrition: Whole Foods vs. Processed Foods

Have you ever read Orwell’s dystopian novel, 1984? If you have, you are familiar with the term “doublethink.” Doublethink is the ability to simultaneously hold two contradictory thoughts in one's head without recognizing the contradiction. When it comes to nutrition, doublethink is the result of contradictory information we’ve heard (and internally assimilated) from companies and diet fad proponents that make money through their “facts.” Take for example something we know is not healthy, say waffles. When they are labeled “whole grain,” we accept that they are healthy, even when we know they are not.